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Smart30 Certificate (30 Months)

Earn 4.00% APY* with the flexibility of one penalty-free withdrawal.

A certificate with a twist! Smart30 certificates are great for people who are just getting started saving. With one penalty-free withdrawal, you don't have to worry about your money being tied up if a life surprise happens. Plus, you can keep adding funds to it as you go!

Start Saving With Cinfed Today:
  • Lock in 4.00% APY* for the term of the certificate
  • The flexibility of one penalty-free withdrawal for life's unexpected moments
  • Minimum $50 opening deposit. Make additional deposits as often as desired
  • One per member. Member must wait 6 months to open a new Smart30 after closing one prior to maturity
  • Max. deposit of $20,000

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Smart30 requirements: minimum $50 opening deposit. One per member. Only one penalty-free withdrawal. Maximum deposit of $20,000. Member must wait 6 months to open a new Smart30 after closing one prior to maturity. Not available on IRA/HSA accounts.